The Intro

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

The Intro

E-0 Talks about what Data Engineer do and what skills they possess.


1 min read

Remember one thing: A Data Engineer always enables data-driven decision-making by collecting, transforming, and publishing data.

What skills will do Data Engineers' possess, and what skills will you gain from the end of this series?

Thats a Good Question...and here is my Answer ๐Ÿ”ฝ

They should be able to design, build, operate, secure, and monitor data processing systems, with a focus on security and compliance, scalability and efficiency, reliability and fidelity, and flexibility and portability.

A Data Engineer should also be able to leverage, deploy, and continuously train pre-existing machine learning models.

Thank God these people are not the ones who create machine learning models. ๐Ÿ˜†
